Content Browser#

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Import Assets

Selecting opens dialogue to imports asset directory denoted in Path.


Forward/Back Navigation

Navigates paths based on history.


Path Display / Breadcrumb Navigation

Displays current path and allows navigation up the structure.


Content Search

Searches content at and below the current path


Browser Display Method/Scale

Scales Content Browser Icons or displays in list form.


Content Browser

Displays items contained at the specified path


Directory Navigator

Convenient “drop-down” directory navigation of local and connected nucleus servers.

Asset Cards#

Items listed in the Content Browser (Known as Asset Cards) provide meaningful information about the asset without opening it.

Certain Asset Cards display generated thumbnails based on one of the following asset types.

  • USD

  • USD-Layer

  • MDL

  • Image

Hovering your mouse over the file name of an asset will show the following.

  • Full file path

  • File Size

  • Date Modified

  • Date Created


Filters allow users to look for specific content based on asset type

  • Audio

  • Materials

  • Scripts

  • Textures

  • USD

  • Volumes


Menu Items


Hide Unknown File Types

Display/Hide Files unrecognized file types.

Hide Thumbnails Folder

Hides any thumbnail folders and files that may be automatically generated by the operating system and/or Omniverse.

Show Details

Enables the display of additional information.

Display UDIM Sequence

Display UDIM sequence as a single item, or as separate texture files.

Display Mode#

|composer| Content View Options

Allows users control the look of the output in the Content Browser to their preference. The slider allows for scaling of the icons in folder view with the smallest setting switching modes to “list view”. When in List View, Columns can be dragged at the dividers to arrange a convenient spacing.


List View grants access Path, File Size and Date Modified information.

Content Browser USD Context Menu#

|composer| Content Browser USD context menu options

Menu Items



Opens the selected stage.

Open With Payloads Disabled

Opens the selected stage. Content in Payload will not be loaded.

Open with New Edit Layer

Opens the selected stage. Creates a new file that is loaded in as a sublayer of this stage.

Insert As Sublayer

Inserts the selected stage as a Sublayer of the current stage.


Refreshes Content Browser.

Collect Asset

See Collect Assets

Create Checkpoint

Saves current version of file on Nucleus server.


Copies current file(s) to the clipboard.


Renames the selected file.


Cuts current file(s) to the clipboard.


Pastes file(s) in the clipboard to the current location. Only visible when clipboard is not empty.


Deletes the selected file(s).

Add Bookmark

Adds a bookmark to the current file or folder.

Copy URL Link

Copies the URL path of selected asset.


Downloads the selected file(s).

Save Thumbnail

Generate preview image of selected file.

Add at Current Selection

Adds selected stage to current stage at the location of the currently selected prim.

Replace at Current Selection

Adds selected stage to current stage, replacing the currently selected prim at the same location.

Connecting to Nucleus Servers#

In the middle of the left panel of the Content Browser users can connect to one or many Omniverse Nucleus Servers by clicking “Add New Connection” under the Omniverse heading.

Content Browser "Add New Connection" option

Once clicked, a panel will emerge allowing you to enter a host Omniverse server address, and optionally an alias name for that server. If no name is given, the full server url is used as the name.

Content Browser "Add Nucleus Connection" dialog

Once added, you can now select the server to explore. When you do you, a web sign-on panel will appear. Enter your credentials to log in.

Content Browser log in page in web browser Content Browser log in success page in web browser

You can now explore your newly connected server.

Content Browser explore newly connected server

Content Browser Server Context Menu#

|composer| Content Browser server context menu options

Menu Items


New Folder

Adds a new folder under the root of the current server, if permission allows.

Reconnect Server

Reconnects to a server.


Renames the selected server name.

Log In

Log in to the selected server, only visible if the user is not logged in to the server.

Log Out

Log out from the selected server, only visible if the user is logged in to the server.


Displays a dialog showing information about the selected server, such as available services.

Remove Server

Removes the selected server, and will log the user out from that server.


For frequently accessed locations both locally or on a server, you can set a file or a folder as a bookmark. Bookmarks are displayed at the top section of the left panel of Content Browser.

Content Browser bookmarks and context menu

You can add bookmarks either by right clicking an item and click on “Add Bookmark” option, or by clicking the bookmark icon on the right in path field. A dialog shows up and you can edit the name of the bookmark, and optionally the url of the bookmark as well.

Content Browser bookmark toggle in path field

You can rename a bookmark or change its url by right clicking on it and select “Edit”. If you want to remove a bookmark, you can right click on that bookmark and select “Delete”, or browse to the bookmarked location, and toggle off the bookmark icon on the right in path field.

Content Browser edit bookmark dialog