Clash Detection Anim API#
The Clash Detection Anim extension (included in the Clash Detection Bundle extension) is an API that provides functionality for recording animation curves within a USD stage. It captures transform animations (translate, rotate, scale) from animated prims and saves them as time samples in a USD session layer (by default “ClashStageRecordedData” layer).
- class AnimRecorder#
A class for recording animation curves within a USD stage.
This class utilizes the ICurveAnimRecorder interface to record animation curves over a specified time range for a given set of USD prims. It supports functionalities such as starting and stopping recordings, resetting session properties, and configuring recording attributes.
- destroy()#
Releases the stage recorder interface and cleans up the recorder API.
- reset_overridden_session_prim_props()#
Resets overridden session prim properties.
- get_recoding_session_layer_name() str #
Gets the name of the recording session layer.
- Returns:
The name of the recording session layer.
- Return type:
- run(
- stage: Usd.Stage,
- prims_int_path: List[int],
- start_time: float,
- end_time: float,
- fps: float,
Records animation curves for the given prims from start_time to end_time at the specified fps. The recording is saved to a session layer that can be accessed via get_recoding_session_layer_name(). Yields the current timeline time in seconds as recording progresses.
- Parameters:
stage (Usd.Stage) – The USD stage containing the prims to record.
prims_int_path (List[int]) – List of integer prim paths to record.
start_time (float) – Start time in seconds.
end_time (float) – End time in seconds.
fps (float) – Frames per second for the recording.
- Returns:
Yields the current time in seconds as recording progresses.
- Return type:
Generator[float, None, None]
- copy_also_unrecorded_usd_attribs_on_save#
Gets or sets whether to copy unrecorded USD attributes on save.
Getter: Returns True if unrecorded attributes will be copied.
Setter: Sets whether to copy unrecorded USD attributes on save.
- Parameters:
value (bool) – If True, copies unrecorded attributes.
Usage Example#
from pxr import Usd
from omni.physxclashdetectionanim.scripts.anim_recorder import AnimRecorder
# Create a USD stage (assuming you have a valid USD file path)
stage = Usd.Stage.Open("path/to/your.usd")
# Initialize the AnimRecorder
anim_recorder = AnimRecorder()
# Define the prims to record (using integer paths)
prims_int_path = [0, 0, 0] # Example integer paths
# Define the recording parameters
start_time = 0.0 # Start time in seconds
end_time = 10.0 # End time in seconds
fps = 24.0 # Frames per second
# Run the recording
for current_time in, prims_int_path, start_time, end_time, fps):
print(f"Recording at time: {current_time} seconds")
# Get the name of the recording session layer
session_layer_name = anim_recorder.get_recoding_session_layer_name()
print(f"Recording session layer name: {session_layer_name}")
# Clean up the recorder