CAD Converter 201.0.2


  • Fixed case where JT parts containing Breps with no defined tessellation parameters exist causes tessellation to fail.

  • Fixed config_path for service extension requests.

Known Limitations

  • CAD Converter (omni.kit.converter.cad_core) and DGN Converter (omni.kit.converter.dgn_core) do not support curve or line data.

  • Some DGN geometry data is not supported and will not convert USD mesh. If you have an example of such a DGN file, please let us know so we can troubleshoot and fix any remaining issues.

  • Converting to USD can take more memory and CPU power depending on the type of data and Tessellation settings. File size is not an indicator of how fast a conversion will take or how much memory is required. In most cases we recommend a minimum of 16 GB. Complex files will need up to 32 GB of memory available for conversion.

  • PMI and BIM data is not converted.

  • Most properties are not converted to USD attributes.

We recommend converting Revit and Creo files using the Connectors instead of the CAD Converter for best results.