Riemannian Motion Policy (RMP) is a set of motion generation tools that underlies most Isaac Sim manipulator controls. It creates smooth trajectories for the robots with intelligent collision avoidance.
A Riemannian Motion Policy, or RMP, is an acceleration policy
accompanied by a matrix
Leveraging the machinery of Riemannian geometry, RMPflow is a framework for combining RMPs representing multiple (possibly competing) objectives and constraints into a single global acceleration policy. Within this framework, the local RMPs may be defined on any number of intermediate task spaces (including the operational space of the end effector, generalizing operational space control). For details, see *RMPflow: A computational graph for automatic motion policy generation*.
Broadly defined, a motion policy is a mathematical function that takes the current
state of a robot (e.g., position and velocity in generalized coordinates) and returns
a quantity representing a desired change in that state. Such a policy may depend
implicitly on variables representing one or more objectives or constraints, the state of
the environment, etc. An acceleration policy is a motion policy where the output is
desired acceleration,
For the purpose of controlling a robot by position or velocity control, typically motion policies are used where the output is position or velocity. Such policies can be produced from an acceleration policy using a numerical integration scheme such as Euler integration.
The RMPflow Debugging Features section reviews functions belonging to RMPflow that are not part of the MotionPolicy interface. You can interact with RMPflow to control a robot that is already supported, there may be no need to read the other sections. If you are interested in the internal mechanics of RMPflow or want to configure RMPflow for an unsupported robot, continue reading the RMPflow documentation.
After reviewing the basics here, also see the RMPflow Tuning Guide for practical advice on configuring RMPflow for a new robot.
RMPflow Debugging Features#
By directly interacting with an RmpFlow instance, the user may access features that are not available in other MotionPolicy implementations. It is common for developers to want to decouple a Motion Policy Algorithm from the simulated robot Articulation in Omniverse Isaac Sim. For example, When the simulated robot is moving sluggishly, it is important to determine whether the MotionPolicy or the PD gains have been improperly tuned, but this can be difficult when both the PD gains and the MotionPolicy both play a role in driving the robot joints. (see Outputs: Robot Joint Targets)
RMPflow provides visualization functions to clearly show the internal state of the algorithm as part of the stage. RMPflow uses collision spheres internally to avoid hitting obstacles in the world. These spheres can be visualized over time by calling RmpFlow.visualize_collision_spheres(). The visualization will stop when RmpFlow.stop_visualizing_collision_spheres() is called. The nominal end effector position can likewise be visualized with RmpFlow.visualize_end_effector_position() and RmpFlow.stop_visualizing_end_effector().
On their own, the visualization functions can be used to make sure that RMPflow’s internal representation of the robot is reasonable, but it does not help to decouple the simulated robot from the RmpFlow internal representation of the robot. On each frame when RmpFlow.compute_joint_targets(active_joint_positions,…) is called, the visualization is updated to use the active_joint_positions. This behavior can be turned off using RmpFlow.set_ignore_state_updates(True). When RmpFlow is “ignoring state updates”, it starts ignoring the active_joint_positions argument, and instead begins internally tracking the believed state of the robot by assuming that is completely independent of the physical simulation of the robot. When RmpFlow is set to ignore state updates from the simulator, and the visualization functions are used, it becomes simple to determine if an undesirable robot behavior comes from RmpFlow or from the robot Articulation and its PD gains.
RMPflow Configuration#
Three files are necessary to configure RMPflow for use with a new robot:
A URDF (universal robot description file), used for specifying robot kinematics as well as joint and link names. Position limits for each joint are also required. Other properties in the URDF are ignored and may be omitted; these include masses, moments of inertia, visual and collision meshes, etc.
A supplementary robot description file in YAML format. In addition to enumerating the list of actuated joints that define the configuration space (c-space) for the robot, this file also includes sections for specifying the default c-space configuration as well as sets of collision spheres used for collision avoidance. This file may also be used to specify fixed positions for unactuated joints.
A RMPflow configuration file in YAML format, containing parameters for all enabled RMPs.
As a general mathematical framework, RMPflow does not prescribe the form that individual RMPs must take. The particular implementation of RMPflow in Lula (and by extension Omniverse Isaac Sim) does however expose a pre-specified set of RMPs that have been constructed and empirically found to produce smooth reactive behaviors for a variety of manipulation tasks. The remainder of this section summarizes the provided RMPs before concluding with some advice on parameter tuning.
C-Space Target RMP (c-space_target_rmp)#
Purpose: Specifies a default c-space configuration for the robot, used for redundancy resolution.
Definition: Acceleration for this RMP is given by an equation similar to a PD controller, with a
position gain and damping gain, but the magnitude of the position term is capped when the C-space
distance exceeds a threshold. This cap avoids excessive forces when the configuration is far away
from the target. Defining
where the “robust capping function”
The inertia matrix is proportional to the identity:
Finally, the c-space_target_rmp section of the RMPflow configuration file contains an additional
inertia parameter
Units assume revolute joints where
Name |
Symbol |
Units |
Meaning |
metric_scalar |
- |
Priority weight relative to other RMPs |
position_gain |
s-2 |
Position gain, determining how strongly configuration is pulled toward target |
damping_gain |
s-1 |
Damping gain, determining amount of “drag” |
robust_position_term_thresh |
rad |
Distance in c-space at which the position correction vector is capped |
inertia |
- |
Additional c-space inertia |
Target RMP (target_rmp)#
Purpose: Drives end effector toward specified position target.
Definition: Similar to the c-space target RMP, acceleration for this RMP resembles a PD controller, albeit with a slightly different strategy for capping the magnitude of the position correction vector.
The inertia matrix blends between a rank-deficient metric
Near the target, an additional nonlinear “proximity boost” multiplier turns on. This factor again takes the form of a Gaussian. In summary,
Name |
Symbol |
Units |
Meaning |
accel_p_gain |
m/s2 |
Position gain |
accel_d_gain |
s-1 |
Damping gain |
accel_norm_eps |
m |
Length scale controlling transition between constant acceleration region far from target and linear region near target |
metric_alpha_length_scale |
m |
Length scale of the Gaussian controlling blending between |
min_metric_alpha |
- |
Controls the minimum contribution of the isotropic |
max_metric_scalar |
- |
Metric scalar for the isotropic |
min_metric_scalar |
- |
Metric scalar for the directional |
proximity_metric_boost_scalar |
- |
Scale factor controlling the strength of boosting near the target |
proximity_metric_boost_length_scale |
m |
Length scale of the Gaussian controlling boosting near the target |
xi_estimator_gate_std_dev |
- |
- |
Unused parameter (to be removed in a future release) |
Axis Target RMP (axis_target_rmp)#
Purpose: Drives x-, y-, or z-axis of end effector frame toward target orientation. This RMP is used for general orientation targets (where an axis target RMP is added for each of the three axes) as well as for “partial pose” targets where only alignment of a single axis is desired.
Partial pose targets are not currently supported by the Motion Generation extension.
Similar to the (position) target RMP, the axis target RMP supports “proximity boosting,”
but only when a target RMP is active at the same time. In this case, it’s the distance to
the position target (
The current and desired axis orientations are represented by unit vectors, denoted
If a position target (i.e., target RMP) is active, the metric has the form
When no position target is active, this simplifies to
Name |
Symbol |
Units |
Meaning |
accel_p_gain |
s-2 |
Position gain |
accel_d_gain |
s-1 |
Damping gain |
metric_scalar |
- |
Priority weight relative to other RMPs |
proximity_metric_boost_scalar |
- |
Scale factor controlling the strength of boosting near the position target |
proximity_metric_boost_length_scale |
m |
Length scale of the Gaussian controlling boosting near the position target |
Joint Limit RMP (joint_limit_rmp)#
Purpose: Avoids joint limits.
Definition: This is a one-dimensional RMP that depends on a single
c-space coordinate (joint) and a corresponding upper or lower joint limit as specified in
the URDF for the robot. If a robot has
The task space for this RMP consists of a shifted and scaled c-space coordinate, measuring
the scaled distance to either the upper or lower joint limit. Without loss of generality,
we consider a lower joint limit RMP. If
The acceleration for that coordinate is then given by
The metric (inertia matrix) is a scalar given by
Name |
Symbol |
Units |
Meaning |
metric_scalar |
- |
Overall priority weight relative to other RMPs |
metric_length_scale |
- |
Length scale controlling ramp-up of metric as joint limit is approached |
metric_exploder_eps |
- |
Offset determining |
metric_velocity_gate_length_scale |
s-1 |
Scale determining rate at which metric increases with velocity in direction of barrier |
accel_damper_gain |
s-1 |
Damping gain |
accel_potential_gain |
s-2 |
Gain multiplying position barrier term |
accel_potential_exploder_length_scale |
- |
Length scale controlling steepness of position barrier |
accel_potential_exploder_eps |
- |
Offset limiting divergence of position barrier strength |
Joint Velocity Limit RMP (joint_velocity_cap_rmp)#
Purpose: Limits maximum joint velocity.
Definition: This RMP applies damping when the magnitude of the velocity of a given joint approaches the specified limit.
This is a one-dimensional RMP with acceleration given by
The metric (inertia matrix) is a scalar given by
Note that the metric is zero outside the user-specified damping region, thereby disabling this RMP.
In addition, clipping is applied to avoid divergence of the metric as
Units assume revolute joints where
Name |
Symbol |
Units |
Meaning |
max_velocity |
rad/s |
Maximum allowed velocity magnitude |
velocity_damping_region |
rad/s |
Defines width of velocity region affect by damping |
damping_gain |
s-1 |
Damping gain |
metric_weight |
- |
Overall priority weight relative to other RMPs |
Collision Avoidance RMP (collision_rmp)#
Purpose: Avoids collision with obstacles in the environment.
Definition: This is a one-dimensional RMP where the task space consists of a single
coordinate measuring distance from a given collision sphere on the robot (specified in the
robot description YAML file) to an obstacle in the environment. Denoting that coordinate
The metric (inertia matrix) is a scalar given by
Name |
Symbol |
Units |
Meaning |
damping_gain |
s-1 |
Damping gain |
damping_std_dev |
m |
Length scale controlling increase in acceleration as obstacle is approached |
damping_robustness_eps |
- |
Offset determining |
damping_velocity_gate_length_scale |
m/s |
Scale determining velocity dependence of “velocity gating” function |
repulsion_gain |
m/s2 |
Gain for position repulsion term |
repulsion_std_dev |
m |
Length scale controlling distance dependence of repulsion |
metric_modulation_radius |
m |
Length scale determining distance from obstacle at which RMP is disabled completely |
metric_scalar |
- |
Overall priority weight relative to other RMPs |
metric_exploder_std_dev |
m |
Length scale controlling increase in metric as obstacle is approached |
metric_exploder_eps |
- |
Offset determining |
Damping RMP (damping_rmp)#
Purpose: Contributes additional nonlinear damping based on control frame (e.g., end effector) velocity relative to target.
Definition: This is a one-dimensional RMP where the task space consists of a single coordinate
and the metric by
Finally, the damping_rmp section of the RMPflow configuration file contains an additional
inertia parameter
Name |
Symbol |
Units |
Meaning |
accel_d_gain |
m-1 |
Nonlinear damping gain |
metric_scalar |
(m/s)-1 |
Priority weight relative to other RMPs |
inertia |
- |
Additional inertia |
Further Reading#
See the RMPflow Tuning Guide for practical advice on configuring RMPflow for a new robot.