Lula Trajectory Generator

Learning Objectives

This tutorial shows how the Lula Trajectory Generator in the Motion Generation extension can be used to create both task-space and c-space trajectories that can be easily applied to a simulated robot Articulation.

Getting Started


In order to follow along with the tutorial, you may download a standalone Lula Trajectory Generator example extension here: Lula Trajectory Generator Tutorial. The provided zip file contains an example of the LulaTaskSpaceTrajectorygenerator and LulaCSpaceTrajectoryGenerator being used to generate trajectories connecting specified c-space and task-space points. This tutorial explains the contents of the file /Trajectory_Generator_python/, which contains all trajectory generation code.

Generating a C-Space Trajectory

The LulaCSpaceTrajectoryGenerator class is able to generate a trajectory that connects a provided set of c-space waypoints. The code snippet below demonstrates how, given appropriate config files, the LulaCSpaceTrajectoryGenerator class can be initialized and used to create a sequence of ArticulationAction that can be set on each frame to produce the desired trajectory.

The code snippet below shows the relevant contents of /Trajectory_Generator_python/ from the provided example.

  1import numpy as np
  2import os
  4import carb
  5from omni.isaac.core.utils.extensions import get_extension_path_from_name
  6from omni.isaac.core.utils.stage import add_reference_to_stage
  7from omni.isaac.core.articulations import Articulation
  8from omni.isaac.core.utils.nucleus import get_assets_root_path
  9from omni.isaac.core.objects.cuboid import FixedCuboid
 10from omni.isaac.core.prims import XFormPrim
 11from omni.isaac.core.utils.numpy.rotations import rot_matrices_to_quats
 12from omni.isaac.core.utils.prims import delete_prim, get_prim_at_path
 14from omni.isaac.motion_generation import (
 15    LulaCSpaceTrajectoryGenerator,
 16    LulaTaskSpaceTrajectoryGenerator,
 17    LulaKinematicsSolver,
 18    ArticulationTrajectory
 21import lula
 23class UR10TrajectoryGenerationExample():
 24    def __init__(self):
 25        self._c_space_trajectory_generator = None
 26        self._taskspace_trajectory_generator = None
 27        self._kinematics_solver = None
 29        self._action_sequence = []
 30        self._action_sequence_index = 0
 32        self._articulation = None
 34    def load_example_assets(self):
 35        # Add the Franka and target to the stage
 36        # The position in which things are loaded is also the position in which they
 38        robot_prim_path = "/ur10"
 39        path_to_robot_usd = get_assets_root_path() + "/Isaac/Robots/UniversalRobots/ur10/ur10.usd"
 41        add_reference_to_stage(path_to_robot_usd, robot_prim_path)
 42        self._articulation = Articulation(robot_prim_path)
 44        # Return assets that were added to the stage so that they can be registered with the core.World
 45        return [self._articulation]
 47    def setup(self):
 48        # Config files for supported robots are stored in the motion_generation extension under "/motion_policy_configs"
 49        mg_extension_path = get_extension_path_from_name("omni.isaac.motion_generation")
 50        rmp_config_dir = os.path.join(mg_extension_path, "motion_policy_configs")
 52        #Initialize a LulaCSpaceTrajectoryGenerator object
 53        self._c_space_trajectory_generator = LulaCSpaceTrajectoryGenerator(
 54            robot_description_path = rmp_config_dir + "/universal_robots/ur10/rmpflow/ur10_robot_description.yaml",
 55            urdf_path = rmp_config_dir + "/universal_robots/ur10/ur10_robot.urdf"
 56        )
 58        self._taskspace_trajectory_generator = LulaTaskSpaceTrajectoryGenerator(
 59            robot_description_path = rmp_config_dir + "/universal_robots/ur10/rmpflow/ur10_robot_description.yaml",
 60            urdf_path = rmp_config_dir + "/universal_robots/ur10/ur10_robot.urdf"
 61        )
 63        self._kinematics_solver = LulaKinematicsSolver(
 64            robot_description_path = rmp_config_dir + "/universal_robots/ur10/rmpflow/ur10_robot_description.yaml",
 65            urdf_path = rmp_config_dir + "/universal_robots/ur10/ur10_robot.urdf"
 66        )
 68        self._end_effector_name = "ee_link"
 70    def setup_cspace_trajectory(self):
 71        c_space_points = np.array([
 72            [-0.41 , 0.5 , -2.36 , -1.28 , 5.13 , -4.71 , ],
 73            [-1.43 , 1.0 , -2.58 , -1.53 , 6.0 , -4.74 , ],
 74            [-2.83 , 0.34 , -2.11 , -1.38 , 1.26 , -4.71 , ],
 75            [-0.41 , 0.5 , -2.36 , -1.28 , 5.13 , -4.71 , ]
 76            ])
 78        timestamps = np.array([0,5,10,13])
 80        trajectory_time_optimal = self._c_space_trajectory_generator.compute_c_space_trajectory(c_space_points)
 81        trajectory_timestamped = self._c_space_trajectory_generator.compute_timestamped_c_space_trajectory(c_space_points,timestamps)
 83        # Visualize c-space targets in task space
 84        for i,point in enumerate(c_space_points):
 85            position,rotation = self._kinematics_solver.compute_forward_kinematics(self._end_effector_name, point)
 86            add_reference_to_stage(get_assets_root_path() + "/Isaac/Props/UIElements/frame_prim.usd", f"/visualized_frames/target_{i}")
 87            frame = XFormPrim(f"/visualized_frames/target_{i}",scale=[.04,.04,.04])
 88            frame.set_world_pose(position,rot_matrices_to_quats(rotation))
 90        if trajectory_time_optimal is None or trajectory_timestamped is None:
 91                carb.log_warn("No trajectory could be computed")
 92                self._action_sequence = []
 93        else:
 94            physics_dt = 1/60
 95            self._action_sequence = []
 97            # Follow both trajectories in a row
 99            articulation_trajectory_time_optimal = ArticulationTrajectory(self._articulation, trajectory_time_optimal, physics_dt)
100            self._action_sequence.extend(articulation_trajectory_time_optimal.get_action_sequence())
102            articulation_trajectory_timestamped = ArticulationTrajectory(self._articulation, trajectory_timestamped, physics_dt)
103            self._action_sequence.extend(articulation_trajectory_timestamped.get_action_sequence())
105    def update(self, step: float):
106        if len(self._action_sequence) == 0:
107            return
109        if self._action_sequence_index >= len(self._action_sequence):
110            self._action_sequence_index += 1
111            self._action_sequence_index %= len(self._action_sequence) + 10 # Wait 10 frames before repeating trajectories
112            return
114        if self._action_sequence_index == 0:
115            self._teleport_robot_to_position(self._action_sequence[0])
117        self._articulation.apply_action(self._action_sequence[self._action_sequence_index])
119        self._action_sequence_index += 1
120        self._action_sequence_index %= len(self._action_sequence) + 10 # Wait 10 frames before repeating trajectories
122    def reset(self):
123        # Delete any visualized frames
124        if get_prim_at_path("/visualized_frames"):
125            delete_prim("/visualized_frames")
127        self._action_sequence = []
128        self._action_sequence_index = 0
130    def _teleport_robot_to_position(self, articulation_action):
131        initial_positions = np.zeros(self._articulation.num_dof)
132        initial_positions[articulation_action.joint_indices] = articulation_action.joint_positions
134        self._articulation.set_joint_positions(initial_positions)
135        self._articulation.set_joint_velocities(np.zeros_like(initial_positions))

On lines 53-56, the LulaCSpaceTrajectoryGenerator class is initialized using a URDF and Lula Robot Description File. The LulaCSpaceTrajectoryGenerator takes in a series of waypoints, and it connects them in configuration space using spline-based interpolation. There are two main objectives that can be fulfilled by the trajectory generator: time-optimal and time-stamped.

The provided example shows a trajectory that runs quickly, and then runs slowly. This is seen in the code on lines (80-81 and 99-103). On line 80, a time-optimal trajectory is created in the form of a LulaTrajectory object, which fulfills the Trajectory Interface. On line 81, a time-stamped trajectory is created that will hit the same waypoints at the times [0,5,10,13] seconds (line 78). Time optimality is defined as saturating at least one of velocity, acceleration, or jerk limits of the robot throughout a trajectory.

On lines 99-103, These LulaTrajectory objects are passed to ArticulationTrajectory in order to generate a sequence of ArticulationAction that can be passed directly to the robot Articulation. The function ArticulationTrajectory.get_action_sequence() returns a list of ArticulationAction that is meant to be consumed at the specified rate. In this case, the framerate of physics is assumed to be fixed at 1/60 seconds.

If no trajectory can be computed that connects the c-space waypoints, the trajectory returned by LulaCSpaceTrajectoryGenerator.compute_c_space_trajectory will be None. This can occur when one of the specified c-space waypoints is not reachable or is very close to a joint limit. This case is handled on lines 90-92.

One lines 84-88, a visualization of the original c_space_points is created by converting them to task-space points. This code is not functional, but it helps to verify that the robot is hitting every target.

The update() function is programmed to play the sequence of ArticulationActions in a loop, taking a pause of 10 frames for dramatic effect between trajectories.

Following a C-Space Trajectory with LulaCSpaceTrajectoryGenerator

Generating a Task-Space Trajectory

Simple Case: Linearly Connecting Waypoints

Generating a task-space trajectory is similar to generating a c-space trajectory. In the simplest use-case, the user may pass in a set of task-space position and quaternion orientation targets, which will be linearly interpolated in task-space to produce the resulting trajectory. An example is provided in the code snippet below.

  1class UR10TrajectoryGenerationExample():
  2    def __init__(self):
  3        self._c_space_trajectory_generator = None
  4        self._taskspace_trajectory_generator = None
  5        self._kinematics_solver = None
  7        self._action_sequence = []
  8        self._action_sequence_index = 0
 10        self._articulation = None
 12    def load_example_assets(self):
 13        # Add the Franka and target to the stage
 14        # The position in which things are loaded is also the position in which they
 16        robot_prim_path = "/ur10"
 17        path_to_robot_usd = get_assets_root_path() + "/Isaac/Robots/UniversalRobots/ur10/ur10.usd"
 19        add_reference_to_stage(path_to_robot_usd, robot_prim_path)
 20        self._articulation = Articulation(robot_prim_path)
 22        # Return assets that were added to the stage so that they can be registered with the core.World
 23        return [self._articulation]
 25    def setup(self):
 26        # Config files for supported robots are stored in the motion_generation extension under "/motion_policy_configs"
 27        mg_extension_path = get_extension_path_from_name("omni.isaac.motion_generation")
 28        rmp_config_dir = os.path.join(mg_extension_path, "motion_policy_configs")
 30        #Initialize a LulaCSpaceTrajectoryGenerator object
 31        self._c_space_trajectory_generator = LulaCSpaceTrajectoryGenerator(
 32            robot_description_path = rmp_config_dir + "/universal_robots/ur10/rmpflow/ur10_robot_description.yaml",
 33            urdf_path = rmp_config_dir + "/universal_robots/ur10/ur10_robot.urdf"
 34        )
 36        self._taskspace_trajectory_generator = LulaTaskSpaceTrajectoryGenerator(
 37            robot_description_path = rmp_config_dir + "/universal_robots/ur10/rmpflow/ur10_robot_description.yaml",
 38            urdf_path = rmp_config_dir + "/universal_robots/ur10/ur10_robot.urdf"
 39        )
 41        self._kinematics_solver = LulaKinematicsSolver(
 42            robot_description_path = rmp_config_dir + "/universal_robots/ur10/rmpflow/ur10_robot_description.yaml",
 43            urdf_path = rmp_config_dir + "/universal_robots/ur10/ur10_robot.urdf"
 44        )
 46        self._end_effector_name = "ee_link"
 48    def setup_taskspace_trajectory(self):
 49        task_space_position_targets = np.array([
 50            [0.3, -0.3, 0.1],
 51            [0.3, 0.3, 0.1],
 52            [0.3, 0.3, 0.5],
 53            [0.3, -0.3, 0.5],
 54            [0.3, -0.3, 0.1]
 55        ])
 57        task_space_orientation_targets = np.tile(np.array([0,1,0,0]),(5,1))
 59        trajectory = self._taskspace_trajectory_generator.compute_task_space_trajectory_from_points(
 60            task_space_position_targets, task_space_orientation_targets, self._end_effector_name
 61        )
 63        # Visualize task-space targets in task space
 64        for i,(position,orientation) in enumerate(zip(task_space_position_targets,task_space_orientation_targets)):
 65            add_reference_to_stage(get_assets_root_path() + "/Isaac/Props/UIElements/frame_prim.usd", f"/visualized_frames/target_{i}")
 66            frame = XFormPrim(f"/visualized_frames/target_{i}",scale=[.04,.04,.04])
 67            frame.set_world_pose(position,orientation)
 69        if trajectory is None:
 70            carb.log_warn("No trajectory could be computed")
 71            self._action_sequence = []
 72        else:
 73            physics_dt = 1/60
 74            articulation_trajectory = ArticulationTrajectory(self._articulation, trajectory, physics_dt)
 76            # Get a sequence of ArticulationActions that are intended to be passed to the robot at 1/60 second intervals
 77            self._action_sequence = articulation_trajectory.get_action_sequence()
 79    def update(self, step: float):
 80        if len(self._action_sequence) == 0:
 81            return
 83        if self._action_sequence_index >= len(self._action_sequence):
 84            self._action_sequence_index += 1
 85            self._action_sequence_index %= len(self._action_sequence) + 10 # Wait 10 frames before repeating trajectories
 86            return
 88        if self._action_sequence_index == 0:
 89            self._teleport_robot_to_position(self._action_sequence[0])
 91        self._articulation.apply_action(self._action_sequence[self._action_sequence_index])
 93        self._action_sequence_index += 1
 94        self._action_sequence_index %= len(self._action_sequence) + 10 # Wait 10 frames before repeating trajectories
 96    def reset(self):
 97        # Delete any visualized frames
 98        if get_prim_at_path("/visualized_frames"):
 99            delete_prim("/visualized_frames")
101        self._action_sequence = []
102        self._action_sequence_index = 0
104    def _teleport_robot_to_position(self, articulation_action):
105        initial_positions = np.zeros(self._articulation.num_dof)
106        initial_positions[articulation_action.joint_indices] = articulation_action.joint_positions
108        self._articulation.set_joint_positions(initial_positions)
109        self._articulation.set_joint_velocities(np.zeros_like(initial_positions))

In moving to the task-space trajectory generator, there are few code changes required. The initialization is nearly the same on line 36 as for the c-space trajectory generator. The main changes are on lines 59-61 where a task-space trajectory is specified. When using the function LulaTaskSpaceTrajectoryGenerator.compute_task_space_trajectory_from_points, a position and orientation target must be specified for each task-space waypoint. Additionally, a frame from the robot URDF must be specified as the end effector frame. If the waypoints cannot be connected to form a trajectory, the compute_task_space_trajectory_from_points function will return None. This case is checked on line 69.

Following a Task-Space Trajectory with LulaTaskSpaceTrajectoryGenerator

Defining Complicated Trajectories

The LulaTaskSpaceTrajectoryGenerator can be used to create paths with more complicated specifications than to connect a set of task-space targets linearly. Using the class lula.TaskSpacePathSpec, the user may define paths with arcs and circles with multiple options for orientation targets. The code snippet below demonstrates creating a lula.TaskSpacePathSpec and gives an example of each available function for adding to a task-space path. Additionally, it shows how a lula.TaskSpacePathSpec can be combined with a lula.CSpacePathSpec in a lula.CompositePathSpec to specify trajectories that contain both c-space and task-space waypoints.

  1class UR10TrajectoryGenerationExample():
  2    def __init__(self):
  3        self._c_space_trajectory_generator = None
  4        self._taskspace_trajectory_generator = None
  5        self._kinematics_solver = None
  7        self._action_sequence = []
  8        self._action_sequence_index = 0
 10        self._articulation = None
 12    def load_example_assets(self):
 13        # Add the Franka and target to the stage
 14        # The position in which things are loaded is also the position in which they
 16        robot_prim_path = "/ur10"
 17        path_to_robot_usd = get_assets_root_path() + "/Isaac/Robots/UniversalRobots/ur10/ur10.usd"
 19        add_reference_to_stage(path_to_robot_usd, robot_prim_path)
 20        self._articulation = Articulation(robot_prim_path)
 22        # Return assets that were added to the stage so that they can be registered with the core.World
 23        return [self._articulation]
 25    def setup(self):
 26        # Config files for supported robots are stored in the motion_generation extension under "/motion_policy_configs"
 27        mg_extension_path = get_extension_path_from_name("omni.isaac.motion_generation")
 28        rmp_config_dir = os.path.join(mg_extension_path, "motion_policy_configs")
 30        #Initialize a LulaCSpaceTrajectoryGenerator object
 31        self._c_space_trajectory_generator = LulaCSpaceTrajectoryGenerator(
 32            robot_description_path = rmp_config_dir + "/universal_robots/ur10/rmpflow/ur10_robot_description.yaml",
 33            urdf_path = rmp_config_dir + "/universal_robots/ur10/ur10_robot.urdf"
 34        )
 36        self._taskspace_trajectory_generator = LulaTaskSpaceTrajectoryGenerator(
 37            robot_description_path = rmp_config_dir + "/universal_robots/ur10/rmpflow/ur10_robot_description.yaml",
 38            urdf_path = rmp_config_dir + "/universal_robots/ur10/ur10_robot.urdf"
 39        )
 41        self._kinematics_solver = LulaKinematicsSolver(
 42            robot_description_path = rmp_config_dir + "/universal_robots/ur10/rmpflow/ur10_robot_description.yaml",
 43            urdf_path = rmp_config_dir + "/universal_robots/ur10/ur10_robot.urdf"
 44        )
 46        self._end_effector_name = "ee_link"
 48    def setup_advanced_trajectory(self):
 49        # The following code demonstrates how to specify a complicated cspace and taskspace path
 50        # using the lula.CompositePathSpec object
 52        initial_c_space_robot_pose = np.array([0,0,0,0,0,0])
 54        # Combine a cspace and taskspace trajectory
 55        composite_path_spec = lula.create_composite_path_spec(initial_c_space_robot_pose)
 57        #############################################################################
 58        # Demonstrate all the available movements in a taskspace path spec:
 60        #Lula has its own classes for Rotations and 6 DOF poses: Rotation3 and Pose3
 61        r0 = lula.Rotation3(np.pi/2, np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]))
 62        t0 = np.array([.3,-.1,.3])
 63        task_space_spec = lula.create_task_space_path_spec(lula.Pose3(r0,t0))
 65        # Add path linearly interpolating between r0,r1 and t0,t1
 66        t1 = np.array([.3,-.1,.5])
 67        r1 = lula.Rotation3(np.pi/3,np.array([1,0,0]))
 68        task_space_spec.add_linear_path(lula.Pose3(r1, t1))
 70        # Add pure translation.  Constant rotation is assumed
 71        task_space_spec.add_translation(t0)
 73        # Add pure rotation.
 74        task_space_spec.add_rotation(r0)
 76        # Add three-point arc with constant orientation.
 77        t2 = np.array([.3,.3,.3,])
 78        midpoint = np.array([.3,0,.5])
 79        task_space_spec.add_three_point_arc(t2, midpoint, constant_orientation=True)
 81        # Add three-point arc with tangent orientation.
 82        task_space_spec.add_three_point_arc(t0, midpoint, constant_orientation=False)
 84        # Add three-point arc with orientation target.
 85        task_space_spec.add_three_point_arc_with_orientation_target(lula.Pose3(r1, t2), midpoint)
 87        # Add tangent arc with constant orientation. Tangent arcs are circles that connect two points
 88        task_space_spec.add_tangent_arc(t0, constant_orientation=True)
 90        # Add tangent arc with tangent orientation.
 91        task_space_spec.add_tangent_arc(t2, constant_orientation=False)
 93        # Add tangent arc with orientation target.
 94        task_space_spec.add_tangent_arc_with_orientation_target(lula.Pose3(r0, t0))
 97        ###################################################
 98        # Demonstrate the usage of a c_space path spec:
 99        c_space_spec = lula.create_c_space_path_spec(np.array([0,0,0,0,0,0]))
101        c_space_spec.add_c_space_waypoint(np.array([0 , 0.5 , -2.0 , -1.28 , 5.13 , -4.71]))
104        ##############################################################
105        #Combine the two path specs together into a composite spec:
107        # specify how to connect initial_c_space and task_space points with transition_mode option
108        transition_mode = lula.CompositePathSpec.TransitionMode.FREE
109        composite_path_spec.add_task_space_path_spec(task_space_spec, transition_mode)
111        transition_mode = lula.CompositePathSpec.TransitionMode.FREE
112        composite_path_spec.add_c_space_path_spec(c_space_spec, transition_mode)
114        #Transition Modes:
115        # lula.CompositePathSpec.TransitionMode.LINEAR_TASK_SPACE:
116        #      Connect cspace to taskspace points linearly through task space.  This mode is only available when adding a task_space path spec.
117        # lula.CompositePathSpec.TransitionMode.FREE:
118        #      Put no constraints on how cspace and taskspace points are connected
119        # lula.CompositePathSpec.TransitionMode.SKIP:
120        #      Skip the first point of the path spec being added, using the last pose instead
123        trajectory = self._taskspace_trajectory_generator.compute_task_space_trajectory_from_path_spec(
124            composite_path_spec, self._end_effector_name
125        )
127        if trajectory is None:
128            carb.log_warn("No trajectory could be computed")
129            self._action_sequence = []
130        else:
131            physics_dt = 1/60
132            articulation_trajectory = ArticulationTrajectory(self._articulation, trajectory, physics_dt)
134            # Get a sequence of ArticulationActions that are intended to be passed to the robot at 1/60 second intervals
135            self._action_sequence = articulation_trajectory.get_action_sequence()
137    def update(self, step: float):
138        if len(self._action_sequence) == 0:
139            return
141        if self._action_sequence_index >= len(self._action_sequence):
142            self._action_sequence_index += 1
143            self._action_sequence_index %= len(self._action_sequence) + 10 # Wait 10 frames before repeating trajectories
144            return
146        if self._action_sequence_index == 0:
147            self._teleport_robot_to_position(self._action_sequence[0])
149        self._articulation.apply_action(self._action_sequence[self._action_sequence_index])
151        self._action_sequence_index += 1
152        self._action_sequence_index %= len(self._action_sequence) + 10 # Wait 10 frames before repeating trajectories
154    def reset(self):
155        # Delete any visualized frames
156        if get_prim_at_path("/visualized_frames"):
157            delete_prim("/visualized_frames")
159        self._action_sequence = []
160        self._action_sequence_index = 0
162    def _teleport_robot_to_position(self, articulation_action):
163        initial_positions = np.zeros(self._articulation.num_dof)
164        initial_positions[articulation_action.joint_indices] = articulation_action.joint_positions
166        self._articulation.set_joint_positions(initial_positions)
167        self._articulation.set_joint_velocities(np.zeros_like(initial_positions))

The code snippet above creates a lula.CompositePathSpec on line 55 with an initial c-space position. It is combined with a lula.TaskSpacePathSpec on lines 108-109 and it is combined with a lula.CSpacePathSpec on lines 111-112. The resulting path is one that starts at the specified initial_c_space_robot_pose, then follows a series of taskspace targets, then hits two c-space targets. When combining path specs, a transition mode must be specified to determine how c-space and task-space points should be connected to each other. Reference lines 114-120 to see the possible options. In this case, no constraint is made on how the LulaTrajectoryGenerator connects these points.

Each available option for specifying a lula.TaskSpacePathSpec is demonstrated between lines 63-94. The code snippet above moves mainly between three translations: t0, t1, t2 with possible rotations r0, r1. The lula.TaskSpacePathSpec object is created with an initial position on line 63. Each following add function that is called adds a path between the last position in the path_spec so far and a new position. The basic possibilities are:

  1. Linearly interpolate translation to a new point while keeping rotation fixed (line 71)

  2. Linearly interpolate rotation to a new point while keeping translation fixed (line 74)

  3. Linearly interpolate both rotation and translation to a new 6 DOF point (line 68)

The lula.TaskSpacePathSpec also makes it easy to define various arcs and circular paths that connect points in space. A three-point arc can be defined that moves through a midpoint to a translation target. There are three options for the orientation of the robot while moving along the path:

  1. Keep rotation constant (line 79)

  2. Always stay oriented tangent to the arc (line 82)

  3. Linearly interpolate rotation to a rotation target (line 85)

Finally, a circular path may be specified without defining a midpoint as on lines 88, 91, and 94. The same three options for specifying orientation are available.

Following a Composite Task-Space and C-Space Trajectory with LulaTaskSpaceTrajectoryGenerator


This tutorial shows how to use the Lula Trajectory Generator to generate c-space and task-space trajectories for a robot. Task-space trajectories may be specified simply using a series of task-space waypoints that will be connected linearly, or they may be defined piecewise with many different options for connecting each pair of points in space.

Further Learning

Reference the Motion Generation page for a complete description of trajectories in Omniverse Isaac Sim.