
RTX - Common


  • Added “Points default width” to Render Settings/Common/Geometry as fallback if no width is specified in UsdGeomPoints.

Known issues

  • Closing the application while a material is loading may hang the application.

RTX - Real-Time

Known issues

  • SSS sometimes has bright sparkles.

  • Dark bands are visible on sky mesh when both “Global Volumetric Effects” and Translucency “Fractional Cutout Opacity” are enabled.

  • Textures are not supported in Rect Lights unless Sampled Direct Lighting is enabled.

RTX - Interactive (Path Tracing)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed “If Total Samples per Pixel is set to 0 (infinite), the elapsed time in the HUD stats is not updated.”

Known issues

  • Some AOVs cannot be enabled in the Render Settings.