Installation Instructions#

NGC Installation Instructions#

  1. Download the version of Omniverse Unity Connector from the NGC Catalog.

  2. Unzip.

  3. Add the connector package to your Unity project using the Unity Package Manager as described below.

Like other Unity packages, the Unity connector is installed on a project basis.

Unity Installation GIF

To install the Unity Connector into your Unity project:

  1. Download the latest release from the provided download link

  2. Open the Package Manager from the Unity Editor’s Window dropdown at the top.

  3. Click the “+” at the top left corner of the package manager window and hit “Add From Disk.”

  4. Navigate to the package folder and find the package.json file within. Select it.

  5. The connector should load and show the NVIDIA Omniverse Connector and version number in the Unity Package Manager.

Unity Package Manager

Update Instructions#


Currently, updating the connector in the Launcher will NOT update the package in Unity. Download the latest update from Launcher.

  1. Omniverse Launcher will occasionally have updates available for the connector.

  2. Open the Package Manager from the Unity Editor’s Window dropdown at the top.

  3. Click the “+” at the top left corner of the package manager window and hit “Add From Disk.”

  4. Navigate to the package folder and find the package.json file within. Select it.

  5. It is recommended to close and re-open Unity when using a new connector. Update

Unity Package Manager Update

Uninstall Instructions#

To uninstall the Unity Connector from your Unity project:

  1. Open Package Manager (Window->Package Manager)

  2. Select the Omniverse Unity Connector Package at the top left, and then click Remove in the upper right corner of the window.

  3. To uninstall from the Launcher, go to Library > Unity Connector’s Hamburger menu (see 2nd image) > settings > uninstall

Unity Package Manager Uninstall Unity Launcher Uninstall