Connector Settings

Settings can be adjusted from [Omniverse]-[Settings] in the main menu.
Omniverse Settings.




Scale Factor


Scale value of the scene when exporting (Details below)

Start TimeCode


Stage’s start timeCode.

End TimeCode


Stage’s end timeCode.

Prefab to Payload


Export as one usd per Unity prefab.Each USD is referenced as a Payload.

Export Disabled Objects


If it is inactive as a GameObject, it will not be exported.

Export Physics


If Physics is used, Physics information is exported.

Material Type


Material type at export.None/MDL/UsdPreviewSurface (Details below)

Export Selection Only


Export only the selected GameObjects.

Add Default Sky


Assign DomeLight with a sky pattern as a background (Experimental). It does not yet reflect the SkyBox of the Unity scene.

Export DomeLight


Bakes the background of the scene containing the Skybox and outputs the exr file as an HDRI.
In USD, the output is as DomeLight.
None(Default)/1024 x 512/2048 x 1024/4096 x 2048/8192 x 4096
Please see Export DomeLight.

DisplayColor Handling

Vertex Color

When importing DisplayColor from USD, you can choose whether to use vertex color or material on the Unity side.

Show Info Logs


Outputs verbose logs to the Unity Console window when Omniverse Unity Connector operations occur.

Open in Omniverse App


After the export is completed, it auto-launches USD Composer or USD Presenter and opens the exported USD file. The default is “None”. In this case, nothing is done after the export is complete. If USD Composer or USD Presenter is installed in your local environment, you can select them.

Scale Factor

Unity uses scene units in meters; USD uses centimeters by default.
If 100 is specified, 100 is stored in scale in the root prim’s transform. This will be converted to centimeters.
Scale Factor in root prim's transform.

Materials Type

If MDL is selected, it will be exported as OmniPBR or OmniGlass.
For more information, see Materials for details.

Location of Settings files

The Omniverse Unity Connector Settings data is saved in the asset file.

For each Unity scene, a settings file named “[Scene name].asset” is created in the “Assets/Omniverse/Configuration” folder.
Configuration folder.

Selecting an Asset in the configuration folder will display the Settings data in the Inspector window.

Asset parameters.

You can change these settings parameters directly in the Inspector window, but the change will not be reflected in the asset file when you exit Unity.

Parameters in the settings file should be changed in the Omniverse Settings window that appears when the current scene is opened. [Settings] is selected from the “Omniverse” menu.

Omniverse Settings from menu.

If parameters are changed here, the changes will be saved to each asset file when the asset is updated or when Unity exits.