Connector Functionality

Maya Native Functionality

  • Opening USD and Maya files from Omniverse or local disk.

  • USD files with Default Render Context, USD Preview Surface.

  • Saving USD Files back to original file location.

  • Exporting Maya Scenes to Omniverse.

  • Bi-directional Live Session connections.

Missing Functionality

  • Maya Native Connector does not support MDL render context in the viewport.

  • USD features are restricted to what the Autodesk Maya-USD plug-in supports per application and plug in version.

  • Saving a USD file as a new file to Omniverse that was originally in a different location, does not collect the dependencies.

Known Limitations

  • MDL render context does not load in Maya Native, only USD Preview Surface. If a USD has MDL context it wil not load with textures.

  • Exporting is currently limited to what Maya USD supports.

    • Only Maya shaders and utilities are supported along with a limited set of properties (lambert, blinn, phong, standardSurface, usdPreviewSurface, pxrUsdPreviewSurface)

    • Exporting a Maya rig to UsdSkel requires the geometry and rig to be grouped under a single transform: maya-usd issue 3041

    • See Autodesk Maya Documentation