Maya Legacy Fucntionality


The Maya Legacy Connector is no longer supported. All users should move to Maya Native.



  • Geometry
    • Static Meshes

    • Skeletal Meshes (usdSkel)

    • Animation

    • Point Cache

  • Lights
    • Maya Native Lights

    • Arnold Lights

  • Cameras
    • Maya Native Cameras

  • Materials
    • MDL render context

    • USD Preview Surface render context

  • Instances

  • Model Variants


  • Open, Import, and Export USD files

  • Save USD only saves the delta from the last state of the USD file, preserving the unchanged parts of the USD.

  • Live Mode
    • Live Transforms

    • Live Edit Mesh

    • Cameras edits

    • Lights edits for some types

    • Materials

  • Animation
    • Pose Live: Pose a usdSkel while working in live mode.

Limitations & Missing Fucntionality


  1. USD Layer control

  2. USD BlendShape partially functional.

  3. Scope Nodes

  4. Opening USD Point instance is not functional.


  1. Most common native materials are mapped on export via Universal Material Map, however, not all material have targets.

  2. MDL node editing is not functional.


  1. Configurable Export paths

Live Sync

  1. Live is disabled if the target USD has animation or a different up axis than the Maya file. Duplicating a prim may not retain the prepend information, payload or reference , if used. This could result in incorrect or heavy mesh information in the USD stage.

  2. In some cases Materials will appear to not Live Sync, depending on when the viewport textures( checker ball icon ) are turned on. To reduce the issue, turn on viewport textures once you open the usd file, other wise materials loaded before this is turned on will not sync properly.