How to make an Object Info Widget Extension

This guide will provide you with a starting point for displaying Object Info and nesting these modules into a Widget. A Widget is a useful utility in Omniverse Kit that can be used to add features such as buttons and sliders.

Learning Objectives

In this guide you will learn how to:

  • Create a Widget Extension

  • Use Omniverse UI Framework

  • Create a label

  • (optional) Create a toggle button feature

  • (optional) Create a slider


It is recommended that you have completed the following:

Step 1: Create a Widget Module

In this series of steps, you will be setting up your Extension to create a module needed for a widget.

Step 1.1: Clone Slider Tutorial Branch

Clone the slider-tutorial-start branch of the kit-extension-sample-ui-scene github repository to get the assets needed for this hands-on lab.

Step 1.2: Add Extension Path to Extension Manager

  1. Open the Extensions Manager in Omniverse Code.

  2. Select gear icon to display Extension Search Paths.

  3. Use the green ➕ symbol to add the path to exts/slider-tutorial-start from the cloned directory.



Check that the UI Scene Object Info Extension is enabled in the Extensions Manager and working by creating a new primitive in the Viewport and selecting it, the object’s path and info should be displayed above the object.

Step 1.3 Open VS Code with Shortcut

Open VS Code directly from the Extension Manager



If you would like to know more about how to create the modules for displaying Object Info, check out the guide here.

Step 1.4: Create the Module

Create a new module called in the exts hierarchy that our other modules are located in. This will be our widget module. will be building off the Object Info modules provided for you. You will see these modules as,,, and an updated


Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is our preferred IDE, hence forth referred to throughout this guide.

Step 1.5: Set up Widget Class

Inside of the, import omni.ui then create the WidgetInfoManipulator class to nest our functions. After, initialize our methods, as so:

from omni.ui import scene as sc
from omni.ui import color as cl
import omni.ui as ui

class WidgetInfoManipulator(sc.Manipulator):
  def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None:

 def destroy(self):
     self._root = None
     self._name_label = None

This widget will house our widget info to make the information contrasted in the viewport and add other utilities later on.

You will accomplish this by creating a box for the label with a background color.

Step 1.6: Build the widget

Let’s define this as on_build_widgets and use the Omniverse UI Framework to create the label for this widget in a ZStack. See here for more documentation on Omniverse UI Framework.

    def on_build_widgets(self):
        with ui.ZStack():

Once you have established the UI layout, you can create the background for the widget using ui.Rectangle and set the border attributes and background color. You can then create the ui.Label and set its alignment, as so:

    def on_build_widgets(self):
        with ui.ZStack():
                "background_color": cl(0.2),
                "border_color": cl(0.7),
                "border_width": 2,
                "border_radius": 4,
            self._name_label = ui.Label("", height=0, alignment=ui.Alignment.CENTER)

Step 1.7: Create Manipulator Functions

With a Manipulator, you need to define an on_build function.

This function is called when the model is changed so that the widget is rebuilt. You can find more information about the Manipulator here.


    def on_build(self):
        """Called when the model is changed and rebuilds the whole slider"""
        self._root = sc.Transform(visible=False)
        with self._root:
            with sc.Transform(scale_to=sc.Space.SCREEN):
                with sc.Transform(transform=sc.Matrix44.get_translation_matrix(0, 100, 0)):
                    self._widget = sc.Widget(500, 150, update_policy=sc.Widget.UpdatePolicy.ON_MOUSE_HOVERED)

Now define on_model_updated() that was called above. In this function you need to establish what happens if nothing is selected, when to update the prims, and when to update the prim name, as so:

    def on_model_updated(self, _):
        # if you don't have selection then show nothing
        if not self.model or not self.model.get_item("name"):
            self._root.visible = False
        # Update the shapes
        position = self.model.get_as_floats(self.model.get_item("position"))
        if self._root:
            self._root.transform = sc.Matrix44.get_translation_matrix(*position)
            self._root.visible = True
        # Update the shape name
        if self._name_label:
            self._name_label.text = f"Prim:{self.model.get_item('name')}"
Click here for the end code of
from omni.ui import scene as sc
from omni.ui import color as cl
import omni.ui as ui

class WidgetInfoManipulator(sc.Manipulator):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None:

    def destroy(self):
        self._root = None
        self._name_label = None

    def on_build_widgets(self):
        with ui.ZStack():
                "background_color": cl(0.2),
                "border_color": cl(0.7),
                "border_width": 2,
                "border_radius": 4,
            self._name_label = ui.Label("", height=0, alignment=ui.Alignment.CENTER)


    def on_build(self):
        """Called when the model is changed and rebuilds the whole slider"""
        self._root = sc.Transform(visible=False)
        with self._root:
            with sc.Transform(scale_to=sc.Space.SCREEN):
                with sc.Transform(transform=sc.Matrix44.get_translation_matrix(0, 100, 0)):
                    self._widget = sc.Widget(500, 150, update_policy=sc.Widget.UpdatePolicy.ON_MOUSE_HOVERED)

    def on_model_updated(self, _):
        # if you don't have selection then show nothing
        if not self.model or not self.model.get_item("name"):
            self._root.visible = False
        # Update the shapes
        position = self.model.get_as_floats(self.model.get_item("position"))
        if self._root:
            self._root.transform = sc.Matrix44.get_translation_matrix(*position)
            self._root.visible = True
        # Update the shape name
        if self._name_label:
            self._name_label.text = f"Prim:{self.model.get_item('name')}"

Step 2: Update Viewport and Extension

Now that you have created a new module, it is important for us to bring this information into and update to reflect these new changes.

Step 2.1: Import Widget Info

Begin by updating and importing WidgetInfoManipulator at the top of the file with the other imports.

from omni.ui import scene as sc
import omni.ui as ui

from .object_info_manipulator import ObjInfoManipulator
from .object_info_model import ObjInfoModel
from .widget_info_manipulator import WidgetInfoManipulator

Step 2.2: Add Display Widget

Inside the ViewportSceneInfo class, you will add a display_widget parameter to __init__():

class ViewportSceneInfo():
    # NEW PARAMETER: display_widget
    def __init__(self, viewport_window, ext_id, display_widget) -> None:
        self.scene_view = None
        self.viewport_window = viewport_window

Step 2.3: Use display_widget

Use display_widget to control whether to show WidgetInfoManipulator or ObjInfoManipulator as so:

class ViewportSceneInfo():
    # NEW PARAMETER: display_widget
    def __init__(self, viewport_window, ext_id, display_widget) -> None:
        self.scene_view = None
        self.viewport_window = viewport_window

        with self.viewport_window.get_frame(ext_id):
            self.scene_view = sc.SceneView()

            with self.scene_view.scene:
              # NEW
                if display_widget:
              # END NEW
Click here for the updated
from omni.ui import scene as sc
import omni.ui as ui

from .object_info_manipulator import ObjInfoManipulator
from .object_info_model import ObjInfoModel
from .widget_info_manipulator import WidgetInfoManipulator

class ViewportSceneInfo():
    def __init__(self, viewport_window, ext_id, display_widget) -> None:
        self.scene_view = None
        self.viewport_window = viewport_window

        with self.viewport_window.get_frame(ext_id):
            self.scene_view = sc.SceneView()

            with self.scene_view.scene:
                if display_widget:


    def __del__(self):

    def destroy(self):
        if self.scene_view:

            if self.viewport_window:

        self.viewport_window = None
        self.scene_view = None

Step 3: Update

Now that you have created the widget and passed it into the viewport, you need to call this in the module for it to function.

Step 3.1: Edit the Class Name

Start by changing the class name of from MyExtension to something more descriptive, like ObjectInfoWidget:


## Replace ##
class MyExtension(omni.ext.IExt):

## With ##
class ObjectInfoWidget(omni.ext.IExt):
## END ##

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.viewportScene = None

Step 3.2: Pass the Parameter

Pass the new parameter in on_startup() as follows:

    def on_startup(self, ext_id):
        #Grab a reference to the viewport
        viewport_window = get_active_viewport_window()

        self.viewportScene = ViewportSceneInfo(viewport_window, ext_id, True)
Click here for the updated module
import omni.ext
import omni.ui as ui
from omni.ui import scene as sc
from omni.ui import color as cl
from omni.kit.viewport.utility import get_active_viewport_window
from .viewport_scene import ViewportSceneInfo

class ObjectInfoWidget(omni.ext.IExt):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.viewportScene = None

    def on_startup(self, ext_id):
        #Grab a reference to the viewport
        viewport_window = get_active_viewport_window()

        self.viewportScene = ViewportSceneInfo(viewport_window, ext_id, True)

    def on_shutdown(self):
        if self.viewportScene:
            self.viewportScene = None

Excellent, You should now see these updates in Omniverse Code at this point.


Step 4: Create a Toggle Button

In this section you will create a button that enables us to turn the object info widget on and off in the viewport. This feature is built in and is an optional section. If you do not want the toggle button, feel free to skip this part.

Step 4.1: Add the button to

First define new properties in for viewport_scene,widget_view, and ext_id, as follows:

class ObjectInfoWidget(omni.ext.IExt):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        # NEW VALUES
        self.viewport_scene = None
        self.widget_view_on = False
        self.ext_id = None
        # END NEW

Step 4.2 Update Startup

Update on_startup() to create a new window for the button.

Step 4.3 Pass self.widget_view_on into ViewportSceneInfo

    def on_startup(self, ext_id):
        # NEW: Window with a label and button to toggle the widget / info
        self.window = ui.Window("Toggle Widget View", width=300, height=300)
        self.ext_id = ext_id
        with self.window.frame:
            with ui.HStack(height=0):
                ui.Label("Toggle Widget View", alignment=ui.Alignment.CENTER_TOP, style={"margin": 5})
                ui.Button("Toggle Widget", clicked_fn=self.toggle_view)
        # END NEW

        #Grab a reference to the viewport
        viewport_window = get_active_viewport_window()

        # NEW: passed in our new value self.widget_view_on
        self.viewport_scene = ViewportSceneInfo(viewport_window, ext_id, self.widget_view_on)

Step 4.4 Create the Toggle

Define toggle_view().

This function will be bound to the button’s clicked function, thus requiring an if statement to check when the button is on/off:

    # NEW: New function that is binded to our button's clicked_fn
    def toggle_view(self):
        self.widget_view_on = not self.widget_view_on
        if self.widget_view_on:
            self._toggle_button.text = "Toggle Widget Info Off"
            self._toggle_button.text = "Toggle Widget Info On"
        viewport_window = get_active_viewport_window()
        self.viewport_scene = ViewportSceneInfo(viewport_window, self.ext_id, self.widget_view_on)
    # END NEW

Step 4.5: Create Reset Viewport Scene Function

This button is used in more than one spot, therefore define reset_viewport_scene(). This function will purge our viewport scene when the button is reset.

    # NEW: New function for resetting the viewport scene (since this will be used in more than one spot)
    def reset_viewport_scene(self):
        if self.viewport_scene:
            self.viewport_scene = None
    # END NEW

Step 4.6: Reset Viewport Scene on Shutdown

Update on_shutdown to remove the viewport_scene parameters you moved into the reset function and then call that function.

    def on_shutdown(self):
        # NEW: Moved code block to a function and call it
        # END NEW
Click here for the updated module
import omni.ext
import omni.ui as ui
from omni.kit.viewport.utility import get_active_viewport_window
from .viewport_scene import ViewportSceneInfo

class ObjectInfoWidget(omni.ext.IExt):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.viewport_scene = None
        self.widget_view_on = False
        self.ext_id = None

    def on_startup(self, ext_id):
        self.window = ui.Window("Toggle Widget View", width=300, height=300)
        self.ext_id = ext_id
        with self.window.frame:
            with ui.HStack(height=0):
                ui.Label("Toggle Widget View", alignment=ui.Alignment.CENTER_TOP, style={"margin": 5})
                ui.Button("Toggle Widget", clicked_fn=self.toggle_view)

        #Grab a reference to the viewport
        viewport_window = get_active_viewport_window()

        self.viewport_scene = ViewportSceneInfo(viewport_window, ext_id, self.widget_view_on)

    def toggle_view(self):
        self.widget_view_on = not self.widget_view_on
        if self.widget_view_on:
            self._toggle_button.text = "Toggle Widget Info Off"
            self._toggle_button.text = "Toggle Widget Info On"
        viewport_window = get_active_viewport_window()
        self.viewport_scene = ViewportSceneInfo(viewport_window, self.ext_id, self.widget_view_on)

    def reset_viewport_scene(self):
        if self.viewport_scene:
            self.viewport_scene = None

    def on_shutdown(self):

Here is what you should see in the viewport at this point:


Step 5: Add a Slider

In this step, you will be adding a slider to the widget. This slider will change the scale of the object. This is an optional step and may be skipped as it is just to showcase a simple addition of what a widget can do. For a more complex slider, check out the guide to `Slider Manipulator here. <>`__

Step 5.1: Add to

Use omni.ui to build the framework for the slider in the function on_build_widgets().

This slider is an optional feature to the widget but is a great way to add utility.

   def on_build_widgets(self):
       with ui.ZStack():
               "background_color": cl(0.2),
               "border_color": cl(0.7),
               "border_width": 2,
               "border_radius": 4,
           # NEW: Adding the Slider to the widget in the scene
           with ui.VStack(style={"font_size": 24}):
               self._name_label = ui.Label("", height=0, alignment=ui.Alignment.CENTER)
               # setup some model, just for simple demonstration here
               self._slider_model = ui.SimpleFloatModel()
               with ui.HStack():
                   ui.Label("scale", height=0, width=0)

             # END NEW

Step 5.2: Update the Scale with a Slider Function

Add a new function that will scale the model when the slider is dragged.

Define this function after on_model_updated and name it update_scale.

   def on_model_updated(self, _):
       # if you don't have selection then show nothing
       if not self.model or not self.model.get_item("name"):
           self._root.visible = False
       # Update the shapes
       position = self.model.get_as_floats(self.model.get_item("position"))
       if self._root:
           self._root.transform = sc.Matrix44.get_translation_matrix(*position)
           self._root.visible = True

       # NEW
       # Update the slider
       def update_scale(prim_name, value):
           print(f"changing scale of {prim_name}, {value}")
           stage = self.model.usd_context.get_stage()
           prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(self.model.current_path)
           scale = prim.GetAttribute("xformOp:scale")
           scale.Set(Gf.Vec3d(value, value, value))

       if self._slider_model:
           self._slider_subscription = None
           self._slider_model.as_float = 1.0
           self._slider_subscription = self._slider_model.subscribe_value_changed_fn(
               lambda m, p=self.model.get_item("name"): update_scale(p, m.as_float)
       # END NEW
Click here for the updated module
from omni.ui import scene as sc
from omni.ui import color as cl
import omni.ui as ui
from pxr import Gf

class WidgetInfoManipulator(sc.Manipulator):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None:

    def destroy(self):
        self._root = None
        self._name_label = None
        self._slider_model = None

    def on_build_widgets(self):
        with ui.ZStack():
                "background_color": cl(0.2),
                "border_color": cl(0.7),
                "border_width": 2,
                "border_radius": 4,
            with ui.VStack():
                self._name_label = ui.Label("", height=0, alignment=ui.Alignment.CENTER)
                # setup some model, just for simple demonstration here
                self._slider_model = ui.SimpleFloatModel()
                with ui.HStack():
                    ui.Label("scale", height=0, width=0)

    def on_build(self):
        """Called when the model is changed and rebuilds the whole slider"""
        self._root = sc.Transform(visible=False)
        with self._root:
            with sc.Transform(scale_to=sc.Space.SCREEN):
                with sc.Transform(transform=sc.Matrix44.get_translation_matrix(0, 100, 0)):
                    self._widget = sc.Widget(500, 150, update_policy=sc.Widget.UpdatePolicy.ON_MOUSE_HOVERED)

    def on_model_updated(self, _):
        # if you don't have selection then show nothing
        if not self.model or not self.model.get_item("name"):
            self._root.visible = False
        # Update the shapes
        position = self.model.get_as_floats(self.model.get_item("position"))
        if self._root:
            self._root.transform = sc.Matrix44.get_translation_matrix(*position)
            self._root.visible = True

        # Update the slider
        def update_scale(prim_name, value):
            print(f"changing scale of {prim_name}, {value}")
            stage = self.model.usd_context.get_stage()
            prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(self.model.current_path)
            scale = prim.GetAttribute("xformOp:scale")
            scale.Set(Gf.Vec3d(value, value, value))

        if self._slider_model:
            self._slider_subscription = None
            self._slider_model.as_float = 1.0
            self._slider_subscription = self._slider_model.subscribe_value_changed_fn(
                lambda m, p=self.model.get_item("name"): update_scale(p, m.as_float)

        # Update the shape name
        if self._name_label:
            self._name_label.text = f"Prim:{self.model.get_item('name')}"

Here is what is created in the viewport of Omniverse Code:



You have successfully created a Widget Info Extension!