Deploying Omniverse Farm using the Omniverse Launcher


1. Introduction

This guide will go through the installation of Omniverse Farm in order to be able to run it headlessly.

This document will work for the deployment across a few nodes but for anything at a larger scale we’d recommend using a solution like Ansible to help with the orchestration of the nodes. If baremetal and/or VMs are not a hard requirement we’d recommend running OV Farm in a Kubernetes environment as it allows for better control and scalability.

This deployment is similar to a deployment done via the Launcher and will have similar limitations where, by default, scale and redundancy are a limiting factor in this deployment.

At the end of this guide there is some information on how to add some scalability and persistence by deploying a SQL database and Redis instance.

2. Queue installation

Queue can be installed from the Omniverse Launcher, by navigating to the Exchange header menu, then selecting Queue from the Apps section of the left-hand sidebar.

After first installing Queue, the Install button will then allow you to launch it and send you on your journey to automation.

Omniverse Launcher: Queue


By default, the Queue will need a GPU to be able to run in order to display a small management UI. If this is not required it is possible to run the Queue in headless mode from the commandline.

3. Agent installation

Agent can be installed from the Omniverse Launcher, by navigating to the Exchange header menu, then selecting Agent from the Apps section of the left-hand sidebar. After first installing Agent, the Install button then allows you to launch it and start processing content.

Omniverse Launcher: Agent


By default, the Agent will need a GPU to be able to run in order to display a small management UI. If this is not required it is possible to run the Agent in headless mode from the commandline.