Testing Your Farm Instance#

With your Farm instance up and running, you’ll want to confirm that everything is functioning as it should. This includes verifying that the underlying services are operational and that your agents are configured to accept and execute CPU and GPU tasks.

In this guide, you’ll use predefined job definitions to test your instance. We’ll walk through the steps to add the job definitions to your Farm instance, submit tasks for execution, and review the results to confirm everything is working properly.

Before getting started, ensure you have:

  • Access to an active Farm instance.

  • Permissions to add and manage job definitions.

Note: This guide doesn’t go into detail about creating your own job definitions. For that, check out the Creating Job Definitions guide.

Basic Service Check#


For convenience, this guide will use the default configuration values for accessing the Farm services. You will need to replace these with the proper values for your Farm instance.







The most basic check you can perform is calling the Farm service’s /status endpoint using curl. This works the same on Windows and Linux.

curl http://localhost:8222/status

Ensure that you use the proper host and port, for the service that you want to check.

If the service has not been started, has failed or you specified an incorrect host or port, you will see:

curl http://localhost:8222/status
curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 8222 after 2033 ms: Could not connect to server

To troubleshoot:

  1. Confirm that the address and port are correct, wait a few moments and retry the endpoint.

  2. Use the curl error code and the service’s log if it continues to fail.

In addition, each component service has its own ../status endpoint that you can call, if it has been configured to run on that host and port.

curl http://localhost:8222/queue/management/tasks/status

curl http://localhost:8222/agent/status

Now that you have confirmed that your Farm’s services are available, let’s run our first job.


Farm relies on Job Definitions to process and execute tasks. These templates specify the commands, arguments, and environment required for execution. A task can only be processed if a properly configured Farm Agent with a matching job definition is available. While the Job Definition provides the structure, the submitted tasks contain the specific inputs needed for execution.

Hello World#

We will add a simple hello-world job definition that uses Python to print “Hello World”.

# Schema for the job definition of a system command or executable:
# Type of the job. Using "base" makes it possible to run executable files:
job_type = "base"

# User-friendly name for the job:
name = "hello-world"

# The command or application that will be executed by the job:
# on some systems this may need to be python3
command = "python"

# Arguments to supply to the command specified above:
args = ["-c",'print("Hello_World!")']

# Capture information from `stdout` and `stderr` for the job's logs:
log_to_stdout = true


Depending on your system configuration, you may need to adjust the command to use either python or python3. This works on both Windows and Linux.

Uploading to Farm#

Farm stores Job Definitions in Job Stores. In its default configuration, Farm uses the jobs service to manage job definitions in a configurable location. Farm Agents then request job definitions by calling the jobs service’s /load endpoint.

The jobs service also exposes /save and /remove endpoints for uploading new definitions and removing unneeded ones.

We are going to use the jobs service’s /queue/management/jobs/save endpoint to upload our hello-world.kit file. We will use the job_definition_upload.py python script to make it easier.

python job_definition_upload.py hello-world.kit --farm-url http://localhost:8222 --api-key change-me


You should see the following:

NOTE: There is no container defined for 'hello-world'.
Found '1' Job definition(s) in 'hello-world.kit'

Uploading Job definition: 'hello-world'
Response: {'job-name': 'hello-world', 'success': True}

You want to verify that the Response: has 'success': True

The note regarding a container is only important if uploading a job definition for use in a Kubernetes environment, where a container is required.

Querying Job Definitions#

We can now call the jobs service’s load endpoint to retrieve all of its job definitions. This is exactly what a Farm Agent will do in the default configuration.

curl http://localhost:8222/queue/management/jobs/load

You should see the following:

{"hello-world":{"name":"hello-world","job_type":"base","command":"python","args":["-c","Hello World!"],"task_function":"","env":{},"log_to_stdout":true,"extension_paths":[],"allowed_args":{},"job_spec_path":"C:\\Users\\hvera\\AppData\\Local\\nvidia\\nv-svc-farm\\job-definitions\\hello-world.kit","headless":true,"active":true,"unresolved_command_path":"python","success_return_codes":[0],"capacity_requirements":{},"working_directory":"","container":""}}

This is the hello-world job definition returned as a JSON dictionary. If you have additional job definitions already uploaded, you will see those as well.

You can specify a filter to use when querying for the job definitions:

curl http://localhost:8222/queue/management/jobs/load?filter="hello"

Note that only letters, numbers, “.” and “*” can be used with the filter query parameter.

Submitting a Task#

With the hello-world job definition uploaded to your farm instance, its time to submit a task to ensure your Farm instance is working.

For testing, we will use the curl command.

curl -X POST http://localhost:8222/queue/management/tasks/submit -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"user\": \"Username\",\"task_type\":\"hello-world\",\"task_args\": {}, \"task_function\": \"\", \"task_function_args\": {}, \"task_requirements\": {}, \"task_comment\": \"my first test\", \"status\": \"submitted\"}"
$body = @{
   user               = "Username"
   task_type          = "hello-world"
   task_args          = @{}
   task_function      = ""
   task_function_args = @{}
   task_requirements  = @{}
   task_comment       = "my first test"
   status             = "submitted"
} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10

Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "http://localhost:8222/queue/management/tasks/submit" `
   -Method Post `
   -Headers @{ "accept"="application/json"; "Content-Type"="application/json" } `
   -Body $body

If the task was submitted successfully, this will return a task ID that can be used for querying information about the submitted task.


The task_id is what you will use in subsequent calls to query the state and logs of the submitted tasks.

If you receive an error, confirm the following:

  • hostname and port are correct for your Farm instance

  • services are up and running (see previous steps)

  • hello-world job definition has been uploaded and appears in the queried list

Check the Task’s Status#

You can use the endpoint queue/management/tasks/info/{task_id} to query information about a task. The information returned will vary depending on its state (i.e., submitted vs finished). Make sure you replace the task_id, below, with the value returned in the previous step.

curl -X GET http://localhost:8222/queue/management/tasks/info/736c51a7-44e8-402c-ade9-6b2ceb508cd0 -H "accept: application/json"

This should return something similar to:

   "task_id": "736c51a7-44e8-402c-ade9-6b2ceb508cd0",
   "task_type": "hello-world",
   "task_args": {},
   "task_function": "",
   "task_function_args": {},
   "task_requirements": {},
   "status": "finished",
   "userid": "Username",
   "task_comment": "",
   "task_details": "",
   "metrics": "",
   "progress": {
      "current_step_index": 0,
      "total_step_count": 0,
      "progress": 0,
      "status_message": "",
      "time_remaining": 0
   "task_submission_time": 1736343285.882784,
   "priority": 65535,
   "metadata": {
      "original_submitter": "Username"
   "labels": []

Here you can see that the status is “finished”.

Check the Task’s Log(s)#

The endpoint queue/management/logs/{task_id} can be used to query the task’s output logs. Since the hello-world job type simply outputs the text Hello_World!, we can use this to ensure it ran properly. Make sure you replace the :code:task_id, below, with yours.

curl -X GET http://localhost:8222/queue/management/logs/736c51a7-44e8-402c-ade9-6b2ceb508cd0?latest_only=true -H "accept: application/json"

And the result:

   "created_at": 1736346918.0343459,
   "updated_at": 1736346918.0343459,
   "logs": "\n#### Agent ID: myagent.mycompany.com-20452\nHello_World!\r\nProcess exited with return code: 0"

As long as your application outputs continuous logging, you can query it repeatedly while it is running.

Using the Farm Dashboard and OpenAPI portals#

This guide has focused on demonstrating how you can use some of the service endpoints to get information about your Farm instance. However, using the Farm Dashboard and the OpenAPI portal allow you to interactively query the state of your Farm instance.

Farm Queue Dashboard - http://localhost:8222/queue/management/dashboard

Allows you monitor your Farm Queue including running tasks and their logs, job definitions, and agents.

OpenAPI portal - http://localhost:8222/docs

Provides interactive documentation on the available endpoints for the services running at that location. It is also an easy way to verify which services are running at a particular host:port in a distributed services deployment.

Check GPU#

We will now create a job definition that will call the nvidia-smi command, which returns information about your NVIDIA gpu(s) and driver.

# Schema for the job definition of a system command or executable:
# Type of the job. Using "base" makes it possible to run executable files:
job_type = "base"

# User-friendly display name for the job:
name = "check-gpu"

# The command or application that will be executed by the job:
command = "nvidia-smi"

# Arguments to supply to the command specified above:
args = []

# Capture information from `stdout` and `stderr` for the job's logs:
log_to_stdout = true

# Specify the container to use with Kubernetes
container = "nvidia/cuda:11.4.1-base-ubuntu20.04"

# Define hardware requirements to run this.
cpu = 1
memory = "4096Mi"
"nvidia.com/gpu" = 1


Notice the additional section at the bottom, where we have specified resource requirements. In particular, that this job type requires one NVIDIA gpu.

Now follow the same steps to upload the check-gpu.kit job definition.

upload the check-gpu.kit job definition#
python job_definition_upload.py check-gpu.kit --farm-url http://localhost:8222 --api-key change-me

submit a check-gpu task.

curl -X POST http://localhost:8222/queue/management/tasks/submit -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"user\": \"Username\",\"task_type\":\"check-gpu\",\"task_args\": {}, \"task_function\": \"\", \"task_function_args\": {}, \"task_requirements\": {}, \"task_comment\": \"check nvidia gpu\", \"status\": \"submitted\"}"
$body = @{
   user               = "Username"
   task_type          = "check-gpu"
   task_args          = @{}
   task_function      = ""
   task_function_args = @{}
   task_requirements  = @{}
   task_comment       = "check nvidia gpu"
   status             = "submitted"
} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10

Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "http://localhost:8222/queue/management/tasks/submit" `
   -Method Post `
   -Headers @{ "accept"="application/json"; "Content-Type"="application/json" } `
   -Body $body


This guide has equipped you to:

  • Perform a basic service check to ensure your services are operational.

  • Add a simple Hello World job Definition for testing basic task execution.

  • Query the job definitions available.

  • Submit a hello-world task from the commandline to verify that your Farm instance is able to execute it.

  • Query the status of a task.

  • Introspect the log(s) of a task.

  • Add a check-gpu job definition to call nvidia-smi ensuring you can run GPU workloads.

By leveraging the above, you will have been able to verify that your Farm instance is working properly as well as gaining an understanding of job definitions and how to submit and query them.

Further Reading#

Deleting a Job Definition#

You can also use the /remove endpoint of the jobs service to delete a job definition from its JobStore. This should be used with caution as any submitted tasks that depend on the job definition will no longer execute.

curl -X POST http://localhost:8222/queue/management/jobs/remove -H "accept: application/json" -H "X-API-KEY: change-me" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"job_definition_name\": \"hello-world\"}"

and the result:
