Enterprise FAQ


How do I control permissions when running commands in Docker and Docker Compose?

If you are not running as root, all your docker and docker compose commands will require sudo in front of them.

Examine permissions to /var/run/docker.sock. They will usually look like this:

srw-rw---- 1 root docker 0 May 12 11:52 /var/run/docker.sock

Notice that in this example, both root and group docker have access to read and write to this socket. Docker command line tools use this socket to talk to Docker daemon, and the user that launches them, requires rw to that path.

Therefore, solution to not requiring sudo in this case would be to either add your user to docker group, or run a root shell and launch all your Docker commands from that root shell.

How do I find the Data Directory of a Docker stack?

If you are searching for Data Directory of a Docker stack, it’s always configured via the DATA_ROOT variable of your .env file of the corresponding stack.

By default, it’s located in /var/lib/omni/<subdir>, with <subdir> depending on a particular stack (i.e., nucleus-data, nucleus-cache-data, etc.)

How do I find documentation on features and parameters?

Comprehensive documentation on features and parameters configured within the .env files are located within the .env files themselves.

Base Nucleus Stack

What is the Base Nucleus stack?

The Base Nucleus stack stands up all of its components with their basic and default configuration. It’s the primary foundation of your installation - with extra features added on top of it. Please review the installation methodology prior to proceeding with installation.

How do I scale Large File Transfer (LFT) beyond the default settings?

Large File Transfer (LFT) service can be scaled beyond a single (default) instance to support increased throughput demands. We recommend one LFT instance per 10 concurrent up/downloads.

Scaling is achieved by spinning up more instances of nucleus-lft container of the Base Stack, using docker compose .... up --scale nucleus-lft=<#_of_instances> command.

What if I see errors during the startup of the stack?

If you see errors during the startup of the stack, please allow time for the stack to settle.

Errors may occur because Docker launches all containers at the same time. Some services in the stack have dependencies on other services which may not be available yet.

For example, if the Authentication Service happens to come up before its dependency - Discovery Service - it will post an error, then be restarted by Docker.

How do I verify that Nucleus is operational?

When all services “settle in” and are running stable (containers not restarting), the first thing to check is if Nucleus Navigator is accessible via a web browser using the IP Address or Hostname (depending on your configuration.).

Additionally, you can perform the following sample checks using Nucleus Navigator:

  • Upload a file greater than 1MB then download it - this validates the LFT Service

  • Upload an image and make sure that a thumbnail got created - this validates the Thumbnail service

  • Search for a file that you’ve uploaded - this validates the Search Service (Please note: Building the index takes some time after the service starts.)

Ports & Connectivity

How can I customize the TCP/IP ports that Omniverse and Nucleus use?

Many ports used by Omniverse and Nucleus are customizable. Reference Networking and TCP/IP Ports for a comprehensive list.

How can I test connectivity between a workstation and an Enterprise Nucleus Server?

Connectivity scripts are provided to test and troubleshoot connectivity between a workstation running Microsoft Windows or Linux to an Enterprise Nucleus Server. Click here for additional information.