Get All the Registered Extensions

You can use the ExtensionManager from the IApp interface to query the local and remote extensions that are available to your Kit app. These functions return a list of extensions with information like: extension ID, name, version, path, and whether the extension is enabled.


# there are a lot of extensions, print only first N entries in each loop

# get all registered local extensions (enabled and disabled)
manager =
for ext in manager.get_extensions()[:PRINT_ONLY_N]:
    print(ext["id"], ext["package_id"], ext["name"], ext["version"], ext["path"], ext["enabled"])

# get all registered non-local extensions (from the registry)
# this call blocks to download registry (slow). You need to call it at least once, or use refresh_registry() for non-blocking.
for ext in manager.get_registry_extensions()[:PRINT_ONLY_N]:
    print(ext["id"], ext["package_id"], ext["name"], ext["version"], ext["path"], ext["enabled"])

# functions above print all versions of each extension. There is other API to get them grouped by name (like in ext manager UI).
# "enabled_version" and "latest_version" contains the same dict as returned by functions above, e.g. with "id", "name", etc.
for summary in manager.fetch_extension_summaries()[:PRINT_ONLY_N]:
    print(summary["fullname"], summary["flags"], summary["enabled_version"]["id"], summary["latest_version"]["id"])

# get all versions for particular extension
for ext in manager.fetch_extension_versions("omni.kit.window.script_editor"):