USD Example Datasets#
These pages provide sample USD files that showcase different USD composition arcs so that you can better understand the power and flexibility USD provides when you look to establish a pipeline for your business needs. Beyond just providing the datasets as downloadable USD projects that you can dissect, each one includes documentation explaining why the teams involved made specific choices based on their desired workflow and output.
Residential Lobby#
The Residential Lobby project showcases the use of multiple USD composition arcs to help a multi-person design team create an architectural environment.

It includes a combination of elements and assets that have been imported from various CAD and DCC applications (Revit, Rhino and 3ds Max) and provides insights on how the project was organized by the team to maximize a non-destructive, collaborative workflow.
da Vinci’s Workshop#
The da Vinci Workshop project represents a full USD film-making production pipeline to showcase how our creative production team structured the creation of this amazing environment.

They utilized numerous USD composition arcs to assemble everything from individual 3D assets, through to full sequence and shot organization for the final output film.
IMPORTANT: Be aware that the daVinci Workshop dataset is quite large (67GB total) and may take several hours to download depending on your Internet speed