Occupancy Extension [omni.isaac.occupancy_map]

class Generator

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

This class is used to generate an occupancy map for a USD stage. Assuming the stage has collision geometry information, the following code can be used to generate the occupancy map information


import omni
from omni.isaac.occupancy_map import _occupancy_map

physx = omni.physx.acquire_physx_interface()
stage_id = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage_id()

generator = _occupancy_map.Generator(physx, stage_id)
# 0.05m cell size, output buffer will have 4 for occupied cells, 5 for unoccupied, and 6 for cells that cannot be seen
# this assumes your usd stage units are in m, and not cm
generator.update_settings(.05, 4, 5, 6)
# Set location to map from and the min and max bounds to map to
generator.set_transform((0, 0, 0), (-2, -2, 0), (2, 2, 0))
# Get locations of the occupied cells in the stage
points = generator.get_occupied_positions()
# Get computed 2d occupancy buffer
buffer = generator.get_buffer()
# Get dimensions for 2d buffer
dims = generator.get_dimensions()
__init__(self: omni.isaac.occupancy_map.bindings._occupancy_map.Generator, arg0: omni.physx.bindings._physx.PhysX, arg1: int) None
  • interface (arg0 Pointer to PhysX) –

  • map (arg1 Stage ID for the USD stage to) –

generate2d(self: omni.isaac.occupancy_map.bindings._occupancy_map.Generator) None

Main function that generates a map based on the settings and transform set. Assumes that a 2d map is generated and flattens the computed data

generate3d(self: omni.isaac.occupancy_map.bindings._occupancy_map.Generator) None

Main function that generates a map based on the settings and transform set. Assumes 3d generation, map is not flattened

get_buffer(self: omni.isaac.occupancy_map.bindings._occupancy_map.Generator) List[float]

2D array containing values for each cell in the occupancy map.

Return type

list of float

get_colored_byte_buffer(self: omni.isaac.occupancy_map.bindings._occupancy_map.Generator, arg0: carb._carb.Int4, arg1: carb._carb.Int4, arg2: carb._carb.Int4) List[str]

Convenience function to generate an image from the occupancy map

  • arg0 (carb.Int4) – RGBA Value used to denote an occupied cell

  • arg1 (carb.Int4) – RGBA Value used to denote an unoccupied cell

  • arg2 (carb.Int4) – RGBA Value used to denote unknown areas that could not be reached from the starting location


Flattened buffer containing list of RGBA values for each pixel. Can be used to render as image directly

Return type

list of int

get_dimensions(self: omni.isaac.occupancy_map.bindings._occupancy_map.Generator) carb._carb.Int3

Dimensions for output buffer

Return type


get_free_positions(self: omni.isaac.occupancy_map.bindings._occupancy_map.Generator) List[carb._carb.Float3]

List of 3d points in stage coordinates from the generated map, containing free locations.

Return type

list of carb.Float3

get_max_bound(self: omni.isaac.occupancy_map.bindings._occupancy_map.Generator) carb._carb.Float3

Maximum bound for generated occupancy map instage coordinates

Return type


get_min_bound(self: omni.isaac.occupancy_map.bindings._occupancy_map.Generator) carb._carb.Float3

Minimum bound for generated occupancy map instage coordinates

Return type


get_occupied_positions(self: omni.isaac.occupancy_map.bindings._occupancy_map.Generator) List[carb._carb.Float3]

List of 3d points in stage coordinates from the generated map, containing occupied locations.

Return type

list of carb.Float3

set_transform(self: omni.isaac.occupancy_map.bindings._occupancy_map.Generator, arg0: carb._carb.Float3, arg1: carb._carb.Float3, arg2: carb._carb.Float3) None

Set origin and bounds for mapping

  • arg0 (carb.Float3) – Origin in stage to start mapping from, must be in unoccupied space

  • arg1 (carb.Float3) – Minimum bound to map up to

  • arg2 (carb.Float3) – Maximum bound to map up to

update_settings(self: omni.isaac.occupancy_map.bindings._occupancy_map.Generator, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float) None

Updates settings used for generating the occupancy map

  • arg0 (float) – Size of the cell in stage units, resolution of the grid

  • arg1 (float) – Value used to denote an occupied cell

  • arg2 (float) – Value used to denote an unoccupied cell

  • arg3 (float) – Value used to denote unknown areas that could not be reached from the starting location