Hydra Viewport

The Hydra Viewport shows a 3D render of the USD stage. USDView can be configured to load with different Hydra renderers.


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Heads-Up Display

Click and drag the marker to scrub through the animation.


Selected Prim

By default, the currently selected prim will highlighted yellow and display a bounding box wireframe.



Opens the Renderer menu



Opens the Display menu



Opens the Select menu



Opens the Camera menu



Opens the Lights menu

Right Click Menu

In the viewport, additional functionality can be found for the selected prim by right clicking and invoking the contextual right click menu.

Menu Item


Jump to Enclosing Model

Select the first ancestor prim with a Kind metadata value set.

Select Bound Preview Material

Select the Preview Material prim bound to the selected prim.

Select Bound Full Material

Select the Full Material prim bound to the selected prim.

Make Invisible

Set the selected prim’s visibility property to “invisible”.

Vis Only

Set the selected prim’s visibility property to “visible”. Make all other prims “invisible”.

Remove Session Visibility

Restore the selected prim’s visibility property value.


Load/Unload the payloads for the selected prim and all its descendants.


Activate/Deactivate the selected prim.

Copy Prim Path

Copy the selected prim’s path to the clipboard.

Copy Enclosing Model Path

Copy enclosing model’s prim path to the clipboard. A Model is a prim with a Kind metadata value set.

usdview asset

Open the selected asset in a new USDView instance.

Set As Active Camera

Set the selected prim as the active camera.

Renderer Menu

The Renderer menu contains operations for changing renderers and modifying renderer settings.

Menu Item


GL (Renderers)

One or more available Hydra renderers are listed first. Check to enable.

Hydra Settings

Renderer settings. These can be different per renderer.

Hydra AOVs

Select an arbitrary output variables (AOVs) to display in the viewport.

Hydra Commands

Renderer Commands. (only utilized by some renderers)

Pause Render

Pause rendering. (only utilized by some renderers)

Stop Render

Stop rendering. (only utilized by some renderers)

Display Menu

The Display menu contains operations for controlling the display in the viewport.

Menu Item



Open a USD file as a stage.

Reopen Stage

Fully reopen the current stage.

Reload All Layers

Reloads all of the stage’s layers.

Display Purposes

Choose which display purposes to show.

Heads-Up Display

Choose which Heads-Up Display details to show.

Selection Highlighting

Set selection highlighting settings.

Show Rollover Prim Info

When enabled, shows prim information as a tooltip when hovering the mouse in the viewport.

Enable Scene Materials

Choose whether to render materials.

Default Material Settings…

Adjust the ambient intensity and specular intensity of the default material for prims without a material assigned.

Color Management

Select a color management profile.

Background Color

Select a background color for the viewport.

Cull Backfaces (GL)

Whether to cull backfaces. (only utilized by some renderers)

Select Menu

The Select menu allows you to change your selection mode.

Menu Item


Select Prims

Clicking the viewport will select individual prims.

Select Models

Clicking the viewport will bubble up the selection to the closest ancestor prim with a model kind.

Select Instances

Select Prototypes

Camera Menu

The Camera menu contains operations for viewing through a particular camera and modifying camera settings.

Menu Item


Camera Guides

Displays camera guides.

Camera Masking

Show or hide camera masking.

Camera Reticles

Show or hide camera reticles.

Select Camera

Choose a stage camera to look through.

Frame Selected

Frame the selected prim.

Toggle Framed View

Resets the camera to your last framed view. (e.g. The last time to framed to selection.)

Reset View

Reset the view to when the stage was opened.

Copy Viewer Image

Copy the current viewport image to the clipboard.

Save Viewer Image…

Open a file dialog to save the current viewport image.

Auto Compute Clipping Planes

When enabled, auto computes the camera clipping planes based on your selection when you frame selected. Used to prevent Z-fighting.

Free Camera Settings…

Set the near clipping plane, far clipping plane, aspect ratio and field of view of the Free Camera.

Lights Menu

The Lights menu contains operations for controlling stage lights.

Menu Item


Enable Scene Lights

When checked, enables the lights defined by the stage.

Enable Default Camera Light

When checked, enables a default light emanating from the viewport camera. Fully reopen the current stage.

Enable Default Dome Light

When checked, enables the default dome light.