
  • Nucleus Core
    • Adding configurable quotas for list & read subscriptions

    • extending subscribe_list with an optional ‘recursive’ argument available only for superusers

    • Updated libcurl to version 7.82.0 (brotli compression is no longer supported) and zlib to version 1.2.12

    • Fixed access log encoding (default is utf-8, configurable using ‘OMNI_LFT_ACCESS_LOG_ENCODING’ env.var.)

    • Bugfixes

  • Nucleus Authentication
    • Bugfixes

  • Nucleus Search
    • Extended functionality of the search service. Supported the metadata search.

    • ‘token’ became required argument for the find_paged_cursor, find_paged_skip methods

    • Changed the indexing process to use multiple requests instead of a single recursive call

    • Added new calls to get prefixes and run paginated search

  • Nucleus System Monitor
    • Added an option to open log location

    • Bugfixes

Component versions:

  • Nucleus Core 113.19

  • Authentication Service 1.4.2

  • Discovery Service 1.4.4

  • Search Service 3.2.0

  • Tagging Service 3.0.0

  • Thumbnail Service 1.4.4

  • Web Service 2.4.4

  • System Monitor 3.1.2